
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

This ish is bananas: B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

Did anyone else learn that bananas have potassium because of the scene in Honey I Shrunk The Parents where the one kid is about to pass out and the girl shoves a piece of banana in his mouth? Because that's where I learned...sad I know.

Aside from being one of my favorite fruits, bananas are excellent for skincare! There are multiple ways they benefit you!

Taken from the above article bananas help in the following areas:

Hello?! Seriously?! However according to this article one small banana contains 90 calories! 
AHH! Calories or no cottage cheese thighs...this is seriously not a fair choice.

Psoriasis & Eczema




As much as I love all the above (seriously read the article...) bananas can be used for gentle exfoliation and skin-tightening!

What do you need:

1 banana
3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon of  vanilla extract

(the vanilla is hiding under the banana - oops!)

Mash the ingredients together into a chunky paste. Don't overmix (I did) or it will become a bit watery.

Jump in the shower and rub the mixture gently over your body! 
If you want a banana scrub for your face, mash separately without sugar.

Rinse off with warm water!

Review: LOVED THIS! My skin was soft and my entire upstairs smelled like bananas! Depending on my mood I might change up the vanilla extract next time to a different oil of my choice. Maybe lavender or something relaxing! It was also pretty tasty... I couldn't help but take a little taste. YUM!

 Would you try this at home?



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