Thursday, December 5, 2013

Comfy & Cozy

Okay so I have to admit I'm pretty much obsessed with Influenster.
What an awesome idea by the creator!
Where else can you go to get NAME BRAND products for FREE?

They want you to post, tweet, instagram, blog and video your thoughts, experiences and opinions.
I was SO excited to sign up.

Received my first VoxBox a few weeks ago

The contents include:

belVita Crunch Breakfast Biscuits 
Dr. Scholl's For Her Cozy Cushions
Kiss Graduation Polishes
Rimmel London Scandaleyes Retro Gam Mascara
Vitabath Hydrating Lotion
Lindt LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles

What is a VoxBox you might ask?

VoxBoxes are boxes filled with complimentary products from your favorite (or soon-to-be-favorite) brands. Not all Voxboxes are created equal: some programs feature an assortment of products while others will spotlight one awesome brand. But make no mistake: All VoxBoxes are created awesome!

I will be going through and posting reviews on the products as I use them.
Today is Dr. Scholl's For Her "Cozy Cushions."

According to the site these fab footsie treats give this description:

Dr. Scholl's® For Her Cozy Cushions help keep feet warm and dry while providing all-day comfort. Their multi-layer design helps insulate the foot while two plush layers provide extra cushioning. Cozy Cushions help keep feet dry by absorbing perspiration and offer superior support on hard surfaces. 
  • Helps keep feet warm and dry
  • Provides support for any boot or casual shoe
  • Offers superior support on hard surfaces

I do have to say they are super comfy! 
My feet felt like they were resting on a couple of pillows. I wore them with sneakers at my extern office and while the above states they keep feet dry and absorb perspiration, I didn't find that to be the case. My feet were a bit soggy when I took off my shoes. 

When I wore them with my heels (pictured below - cut to fit) I didn't have any issues...but it's also an open toe heel.

Final review? I think they are awesome! I have already gone out and purchased another pair of the cozy cushions.

Thanks Influenster & Dr. Scholls!

Received all products complimentary from Influenster. All opinions posted are my own.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lemon & Honey Blackhead Treatment

Blackheads are gross. Most people get a couple in their lifetime, or maybe you have them all the time - either or, they are gross. I'm sure most of us have used those pore strips that rip them out of your face. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't...

What is a blackhead?

Aside from a gross black mark on your face,'s just that! A blackhead is a small black mark (like a blemish) that appears on the surface of your skin. The most common locations are the face, back and ears - though they can occur anywhere on the body. The appear most often in these 3 locations due to the large number of sweat glands that are located in these regions.

What causes blackheads?

Clogged glands or pores
Poor diet
Oily skin
Oily Hair

I think it's a given that you need to wash your face (I personally recommend 2 times a day,) wash your hair and eat healthy...but how do you get rid of those pesky ones that just won't let loose?!

What you need:

Half a lemon (it can be juiced)
3 drops of honey

Drop the honey on the lemon and rub the lemon all over your face, focusing on the areas that need the most help (aka nose, chin, lips...etc)

Let set for 5 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

My review: OMG! The results were INSTANT! You know how you can feel the blackheads when you rub your finger over your nose (or infected area?) 
After I did this - my nose was SMOOTH for the first time in...well...FOREVER! 
I'm TOTALLY doing this a couple times a week.

I'd LOVE to hear your results. Please post! I want to know if you had the same results!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Homemade Acne Mask

Ugh. So I made plans to hang out with a friend that I haven't seen in probably a year...and of course the night before I get a nice red blemish under my nose. 
Thanks a lot face, thanks a lot!

So of course I quickly looked up a "GET RID FAST" remedy! This is the Homemade Mask for Acne!

What you need:

1 bowl
3 tbs of baking soda
2 tbs of HOT water

Mix the baking soda with water!
It will fizz and bubble up (it was fun hehe)
Mix until it's a bit thick.
The baking soda will settle at the bottom so when you apply make sure you mix it right before.

Apply the mixture to your face (yes I am AWARE of what it looks like)
and let sit (and dry!) for 15 minutes!

When it dries, it flakes and powders off - so be careful. I was snorting baking soda up my nose.
I also had a headache - in case you can't tell.

My caption for this (and yes it I sent it to a couple people) was "Damn that powdered doughnut was good!"
But seriously... when your face looks like this...
Wash off with warm water!

You can also add an additional step to this mask - rub your skin where you just applied the mask vigorously with lime slices (chilled), stressing in the area that is breaking out.

I didn't have lime so I didn't do this part!

My review: My face dried up. The blemish did become dry, however the next morning it was back. Stupid bugger. So I don't think this is a QUICK FIX treatment but I have been doing it for the past 2 days and the blemish is less red and not as large!

I'd love to read your reviews when you try this!


Friday, June 22, 2012

The Nail File - Mint & Purple

Can you tell I'm obsessed with mint? Honestly. 

This color by OPI is my new favorite: Gargantuan Green Grape 

I almost did a cute nail design but I decided against it. 
I'm really weird with nail polish and that it has to match your outfits...

I once had a conversation with my BFF about wearing red while driving a yellow car. Styled by Ronald McDonald? Ew gross. Same goes for nail polish - it's like a no no for me...

So I skipped a pedi the last time I went to my salon and OMG have I noticed. So did the girl who did my toes: "long time, to long..." as she said!

So thanks to a  friend and fellow blogger, the Jess Journals, I'm OBSESSED with mint and purple!

This color by OPI is called: Do You Lilac It?

I lilac it a lot - just saying...
Don't mind my short sausage toes!

I wanted a design so my toes is easier to match with everything. I tend to go more wild on my toes then my hands - I think everyone does :)

What's your favorite color combo?


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hollywood - Secrets from Marilyn Monroe

I think we all can agree that Marilyn Monroe was the "it" girl of the 20th century. 
She has been gone for over 50 years but her classic look is still high in demand...


Marilyn washed her face religiously with Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil and used a heaping amount of Vaseline as a moisturizer! It's also been stated that she used Erno Laszlo Active pHelityl Cream hormone cream or Nivea brand moisturizing creams.

"I'm personally opposed to a deep tan because I like to feel blonde all over." - Marilyn Monroe


Want the perfect red lip?
Have you ever gone into a store in search of that perfect shade of lipstick and ended up mixing 2? Marilyn actually layed 5 different shades of lipstick and gloss to get her perfect pout! 

She first lined her lips with a red lip liner and slightly over-drew the shape in the cupids bow.
Using a lip brush she placed the darker reds on the outer corners of her lips and the lighter reds in the middle! She highlighted the cupids bow and bottom lip with a highlighter for even more volume!

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.”  - Marilyn Monroe

Did You Know?

Using hormone cream of course can have it's side effects! It created a heavy peach fuzz on her face! All studio chiefs wanted her to remove it, but she refused! She claimed when the light hit the fuzz it caused her face to have a soft glow so they didn't have to use any special lenses to enhance her...

I don't know about all that - but who am I to argue! She looks FABULOUS in every photo I have ever seen!

"I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I've made." - Marilyn Monroe

Who is your Hollywood Beauty for tips and tricks?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Oatmeal Yogurt & Honey Mask

I love an amazing bowl of peaches & cream oatmeal (I TOLD you I was obsessed with peaches!)
Even better then a bowl of oatmeal, because of course I love the kind with a lot of sugar in it, not the oats and fresh peaches, I tend to go for something a little more healthy - like yogurt. Did you know that combined they make up one of the most popular facial masks?

We've talked about the benefits of Honey (Honey Lemon Facial Mask) - but what are the benefits of Oatmeal and Yogurt?

Oatmeal is a natural exfoliant. It also prevents breakouts that are caused by clogged pores. It's also hypoallergenic and is very soothing to any skin type. Oats are also widely used to decrease itching due to conditions like eczema, skin rashes, hives and bug bites!

Yogurt is a natural moisturizer and can reduce the size of your pores! Because of the lactic acid yogurt contains, it makes your skin soft and supple!

What do you need:

1 tbsp - Oatmeal
1 tbsp - Plain Yogurt
1 tsp - Honey

Grind up the oatmeal as best you can! I put it into a ziplock bag and used my hands! Mix with the yogurt and honey.

Apply to your face!

Let set for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Review: When I washed my face I used the oatmeal and scrubbed it in to get rid of the dry patches on my face. Love oatmeal for exfoliation. Def will continue to use as a daily part of my routine! 

First thoughts...honestly was not as impressed as I thought I'd be :(
 My face felt really REALLY oily! 

I dried my face and looked in the mirror. My face looked smooth and really soft.
As I let it air dry and waited about 5 minutes. I was a bit surprised. I went from feeling oily and icky to feeling as soft as a baby butt.

Honestly. If you have dry skin (my skin is combo) I totally recommend doing this a couple times a week! You will def notice the difference!
Oatmeal and yogurt have so many possibilities - I can't wait to try more tricks with these 2 foods!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Beauty Tip #2

A rosy complexion gives off positives vibes of health and happiness. 

If you have pale skin, gently pinch your cheeks...
The color your skin turns after doing this is the shade you want to wear!

If you have darker skin...
you want to go with a bronzing powder that is a shade darker then the color of your skin!

To apply:

Powder Blush - apply the blush to the apple on your cheeks. Bend with an angled face brush along your cheekbone in an upward motion!
Cream/Gel - dot the color on the apple of your cheeks. Use your finger or a sponge to blend in!

A great angled face brush is this one by mark.!
For $10 you can grab this at:

What brand and shade of blush/bronzer do you wear?
